Become a VIP member create a
profile and Silk lets everyone and anyone contact you no risk no charge to them.
They can
chat or video chat with you safe and secure.
Search, explore and start meeting new people in your area
Browse through hundreds of potential partners in your area. Swipe right on their profile to instantly connect with them, swipe left to pass or swipe up to favorite a user.
Find your favourite, check their profile and chat with them
Designed with your discretion as our top priority, Silk will never save any message history. Meaning, all messages and photos are erased as soon as they are read. Voila!..Nothing to see here!
Instantly you can make audio and video calls to people you like and make connections.
Search people in your area based on your preferences & preferences of other users.
Fill in your profile before you start to swipe. Adding a bio and great photos increases your chances of a great connection.
Select your preferences (age, proximity, etc) and change them as many times as you want.