Silk Encounters Inc. Photo Guidelines
These Guidelines and Terms and Conditions are designed to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience on Silk Encounters Inc.
Failure to follow these guidelines may result in losing access to our platform.
Upload only your own photos. Respect all users.
We are a diverse community. This means you should respect other people’s beliefs, interests and property while on Silk Encounters Inc. Silk Encounters Inc. takes a strong stance against hate speech, rude or abusive behaviour, bullying, and misogyny. You should behave the same way on Silk Encounters Inc. as you would in real life. We encourage all of our users to report anyone who does not follow these behavioural guidelines. As a community rooted in kindness and respect, we expect all of our users to respect each other, themselves, and the Silk Encounters Inc. staff.
Please do not post photos that are not of you.
- No children.
- No nude photos.
- Your face must be clearly visible in your main profile photo and preferably in all your photos.
- No copyright or watermarks permitted.
- No pornographic pictures.
- No graphic hunting photos.
No soliciting
This includes coupon codes & sales. No personal contact information in photos. Do not do or promote anything illegal on our site. Illegal activity will not be tolerated on Silk Encounters Inc. This may result in being banned from the site, and/or being reported to the authorities. No soliciting. Silk Encounters Inc is not for selling anything. If you try to use it as a marketplace, you’ll be banned. No minors. Silk Encounters is for 19+ years, therefore we do not allow minors on Silk Encounters Inc. If you do not follow these guidelines, you will receive a warning (unless our team decides to block you without warning at our discretion). If you ignore this warning, you risk losing your account.
These guidelines are designed to make Silk Encounters Inc. a friendly and safe place for all our users.